S&C is pleased to announce OptiRamp Release 4.0 is now available. This release includes bug fixes, enhancements, and new features that advance the design, performance, and security of the OptiRamp products. The following information summarizes highlights from this release.
Security Manager
The desktop OptiRamp User Manager has been replaced with the web- and Windows-based Security Manager. Add users and groups based on Windows domain authentication or add “OptiRamp” security, meaning users and groups not tied to Windows accounts or an Active Directory. Assign users and groups permissions and access rights to secure your asset.
OptiRamp Reports
OptiRamp Reports have been redesigned to be designed and viewed in your web browser. Unique Reports features include dragging-and-dropping objects and data tags into the report body, header, and footer as well as resizing elements with “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG) designing to build dynamic reports viewable through the web and mobile devices as well as downloaded as PDF and emailed. Reports may also be secured with the Security Manager.
Language Translation
S&C has developed a lightweight translation engine to translate the OptiRamp GUI into our customers’ languages.
Leak Detection Official Release
S&C officially releases its OptiRamp Leak Detection System (LDS) with the R4.0 release. The LDS is based on pressure and mass flow and eliminates false leak warnings due to cases where the mass flow rate measured by the flow meter is much larger than the OptiRamp simulated value. Additionally, the Web Analytics Pipeline Profile allows users to track key pipeline parameters and identify where leaks are occurring across the pipeline length.
New Web Analytics & Reports Objects
We added a couple new analytics objects that can be added to Web Analytics and Reports: Cross Plots and Donut Charts. Cross plots show the history of injections wells; their main purposed is to compare performance before and after well work over. Donut Charts show data from up to three data tags in relation to the whole.