The OptiRamp Leak Detection System (LDS), which features new, advanced algorithms, is a computational pipeline monitoring (CPM) system whose ultimate goal is to provide predictive information through a highly accurate simulation so that leaks can be prevented before they occur. This solution aligns with API RP 1130, using volumes and mass balances as well as statistical algorithms to improve accuracy and to ensure system reliability and robustness.
Leaks are detected using standard pipeline instrumentation (flow and pressure meters); rational SCADA may be used where instrumentation are not installed. Leak presence is identified based on a mass/net volume imbalance in the pipeline, whereas leak location is identified based on pressure deviation in the pipeline.
The OptiRamp LDS from S&C solves pipeline leak challenges by increasing knowledge transfer, reducing false positives, identifying leaks and leak locations if they occur, providing operational intelligence by showing the total value stream (thereby making losses visible), and allowing operators to manage by exception. Moreover, it provides customers confidence in their ability to accurately identify leaks and to comply with regulatory oversight.